Kestrel Manor School

a multi - Cultutral integrated Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School

Mobile #2

+254 718 764 499

Mobile #1

+254 733 616 359


Learning Support Centre

At Kestrel Manor School we work to ensure every individual learns and become successful.

Our learning support centre takes care of students who have special needs in education such as:

  • Sensory /Physical difficulties.
  • Autism spectrum disorders.
  • Behaviour, emotional and social development difficulties.
  • Speech and language difficulties.
  • Cognition and learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyscalculia
  • Delay in developmental milestones.
  • Other conditions like   ADHD /ADD

Most of the special learning needs are addressed in regular classroom through the inclusion model where   each child’s developmental program is designed to meet his/her needs.

Occupational/physiotherapy services are available. We have  a  setting  that fosters  cognitive ,  social,  emotional and  physical  development. We carry out multidisciplinary educational assessment to aid in developing individual Education programme (I.E.P).

The learning support centre takes care of learners in Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary. Come and visit us.

  • Speech and language therapies
  • Play skills training
  • Activities  of  Daily living skills  training
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Behaviour modification  therapy
  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Behavior modification therapy
  • Learning support in
    • Writing skills
    • Reading skills
    • Numeracy skills
  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Learning support in
    • Writing  skills
    • Reading skills
    • Numeracy skills

The programmes are tailor made in meeting individual needs, where necessary the school outsources professional intervention services.